Kingaroy Golf Club Social Media Policy

                                                      KINGAROY GOLF CLUB Inc.


                                                           POLICY STATEMENT


                                                       SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY


Kingaroy Golf Club fully acknowledges and recognises the emergence and influence of Social Media in the modern world and the rights of individuals to actively participate in the undertaking of such activities.


The Club acknowledges the right and freedom of employees, committee persons, and members to engage in social media, but needs to protect the organisation at the same time. It is for this purpose that Kingaroy Golf Club has chosen to formalise this Policy.



This policy refers to the use of social media which includes multi-media, private and business oriented social networking websites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and all other internet postings including blogs, tweets and wikis. The absence or lack of explicit reference to specific social media does not limit the extent of this policy.


The principles of this should be applied to all kinds of online communication including e.g. personal profiles and posts, websites and blogs, discussion boards, email groups, and instant messaging.


The policy sets out the expectations for the conduct of all individuals who are directly affiliated with the Club. The referred affiliates include the following: –

·         Committee Members

·         Sub-Committee Members

·         Managers

·         Officers

·         Employees

·         Contractors

·         Staff members

·         Volunteers

·         Club Members


Definition of social networking

Social networking is defined as an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting social networks or social relations among people, who share interests and/or activities. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events and interests within their individual networks.



·         Establish clear guiding principles as to how our affiliates should conduct themselves when engaging in social media, whether the engagement be official or unofficial in nature.

·         Cultivate an environment wherein the usage of social media contributes to the welfare and productivity of our organisation

·         Prepare our affiliates on the hazards and responsibilities of partaking in social media activities.

·         Protect our business and its affiliates from any legal threats that may arise as a result of social media usage.




When accessing and using social media, our affiliates must ensure they conduct themselves in a way that reflects positively on the Club.  When using social media outside of the work environment affiliates should be aware that when posting they are not authorised to represent the Club nor express a view on behalf of the Club.


Chat rooms, blogs and newsgroups are public forums where it is inappropriate to reveal confidential business information, personal data relating to other individuals, member details, complaints or any other material covered by company policies and procedures.


The expression of opinion on social networks may inadvertently reveal information which is not suitable for public consumption and individuals should be mindful of this and ensure they do not engage in inappropriate behaviour, which may result in suspension or cancellation of membership or termination of employment.


Inappropriate behaviour includes (but not limited to)

·         Comments that may damage the reputation of the Club, regardless of whether the Club is named directly or identifiable in another manner.

·         Photographs or other digital media of any member or affiliate behaving inappropriately, which may be linked to the Club.

·         Posting comments or photographs of the Club affiliates or members without their express permission.

·         Posting threatening comments, bullying or harassing co-workers or members.

·         Derogatory, disparaging, defamatory, discriminatory, or offensive comments regarding Club members, affiliates, or others including suppliers, sub-contractors, or stakeholders.

·         Disclosure of confidential information relating to the Club affiliates or members.

·         Disclosure of information that is financial, operational, and/or legal in nature.

·         Posting any content that may violate any law or which may infringe privacy rights of any person.

·         Posting content that violates the intellectual property rights of any party.

·         Posting false or defamatory statements about any individual, community, company, organisation, or any other entity.

·         Airing personal grievances or disputes on Kingaroy Golf Club Community or Kingaroy Golf Club Facebook page.



The club appreciates the value of social media in terms of communicating, engaging and promoting the club and the sport of golf in a positive way.


In the circumstances of a breach of this policy, the club may investigate and apply measures including but not limited to:

·         Removing posts from its own social media pages posted by an individual/s that it considers may be in breach of this policy.

·         Issuing an immediate take down notice to the individual/s who have posted or republished content on social media which has breached this policy, which may include instructions to cease posting, communicating or republishing content regarding the issue

·         Either making a necessary public comment such as a correction, clarification, or apology in regards to a breach from the club or from the individual/s responsible for the breach.

Following a breach of policy, disciplinary action may be applied. The club will investigate and assess such allegation which may result in disciplinary measures. This may involve a verbal or written warning or in some cases suspension or cancellation of membership, or any other action which is deemed appropriate.

If a serious breach of the policy occurrs, disciplinary action may include termination of membership or employment, or a termination of employment relationship in the case of contractors or consultants. Additionally, individuals may be subject to loss of access privileges and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

This policy includes the use of Kingaroy Golf Club emails, as well as Social Media Platforms, as areas where Kingaroy Golf Club does not condone the inappropriate use. Any such actions may result in disciplinary action, culminating in a potential termination of employment or membership.