Peanut Harvest Week - Vets 36 Hole 4BBB Stroke


Mon 14 Mar 2022 7:00AM — Tue 15 Mar 2022 5:30PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Registrations are open until 11 March.or whenever the field is full! 😀



Please note - this is not a Mixed 4BBB Event!

One Registration Per Team (2 players) and One Payment for the team. (Please do not register your team (of 2 players) and pay for yourself only!)

Peanut Harvest Week of Golf - Veterans 36 Hole 4BBB Stroke Event over two days - Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 March 2022

”Online Registration and secure payment by credit card or debit card is required for this event! 

If you need any assistance with registering for this event, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll give you a call

  • One registration per playing team (of 2).  This is not a Mixed Event. Registration is for the 4BBB Team of 2 Men or 2 Women! 

  • If you need us to find you a partner, just indicate on the online form and we'll be sure to find you one!

  • If you and/or your playing partner are attending the presentation dinner, payment is to be made when you register. You can also pay for friends who wish to join you for the dinner only.


  • Visitors - $44.00 per person

  • Kingaroy Members - $44.00 per person  

  • Kingaroy Upfront Members - $24.00 per person

  • Presentation Dinner - $30.00 per person (please indicate the number and names of people attending with you – online payment is required for all your party when you register).

Any "team" combination is acceptable eg 2 visitors ($88 per team); Visitor + Kingaroy Member ($88 per team); Kingaroy Member + Upfront member ($68 per team) etc.

Registrations Close on 11 March 2022 or when field os full.

This is not a Mixed 4BBB Event! You will need the following information for yourself and your playing partner to register:


Email Address

Phone Number


GolfLink Number (10 digits)

Current GA Handicap 

Walking/Sharing a Motorised Hire Cart/Bringing your own Motorised Cart

Preferred Tee Time for both days - Flexible with Tee Time, Early - between 7.00am & 8.30am or Late - between 10.50am & 12.30pm

Will you be attending the Presentation Dinner on Tue 15 March. Indicate how many people will be attending and write their names. (for catering and seating purposes)




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